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Messages - Brummie Road

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West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Atmosphere at Home Games
« on: April 14, 2024, 11:14:09 AM »
I use the trains for home matches and it would be great if the club could liase with West Midland Trains to check out the feasibility of putting an additional service on after the matches, so starting from The Hawthorns station, something they (the train company) have done in the past at various times, particularly after the midweek home matches where anyone traveling in the Stourbridge / Kidderminster direction knows if you don't get the first one out in midweek you're lumbered with a long wait, one of the contributing reasons to supporters leaving the stadium early, something particularly noticeable for any midweek fixtures, and clearly so many fans leaving early doesn't help the atmosphere in the stadium. 

In the Birmingham direction there is the tram option, so supporters travelling to the city centre have two options but the majority of the Albion support does tend to use the other direction, hence the far larger queues.

Just one additional train, in addition to the normal services, would greatly ease the issues and it's not clear why the train company appear unable to do this for our Home matches when they have done it at various times in the past and something they did after the Wolves Cup match.

I do also personally feel the club should consider amending the KO times to midweek matches to 7.45pm, even on an experimental basis for maybe half a season.

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Season tickets
« on: May 17, 2023, 02:07:53 PM »
Considering the financial issues of concern we all have in regard to the Albion it does seem very strange to not have season tickets on sale yet (well not at the time of typing this).

I appreciate the new seasons still well over 2 months away but from what I've seen on social media in the past, a fair proportion of season ticket holders do tend to renew fairly quickly, as opposed to waiting till very close to the deadline and with speculation, that appears well informed, of cash flow concerns you'd have thought the club would have been looking to get as much cash in as early as possible.

In the absence of the usual early bird offer prices (not sure why they did not go down that route this year?) I'd presumed they'd be on sale as soon as it was clear we'd missed out on the play offs.

So surprised they are still not on sale. I'm not too sure what to expect in terms of any price amendments, and have to say the present season ticket prices are, in my view, very reasonable so I wouldn't have too much of a gripe if there is a bit of a price hike but again that's a personal view.

Chatting to other supporters last season, as the Play Offs became increasingly unlikely the consensus was, considering all the issues relating to concerns over our ownership and financial status with possible player sales to follow, that a drop off in season ticket holders could be expected in the region of around 5%-10% (pure guesswork obviously) so intrigued to see what the pricing structure is when the details are released.

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: West Brom seek loan from MSD Holdings
« on: December 23, 2022, 01:11:11 PM »

I envy other clubs right now. Action 4 Albion or whatever they are called are ridiculed for their lights etc but I can’t help but think this forum and every other Albion fan who truly care about our treat club need to stand up and throw some major protest at this.

5 wins in a row doesn’t hide the fact we could be without a club in 5 years.

No performance on the pitch should hide the nightmare off it.

Its both interesting and worrying to read the comments by the forum members who are clearly clued up on the finance and accounts side of things (which definitely excludes myself!) and have to agree, at least from viewing the various Albion social media sites, that the upturn in results and having a Head Coach who clearly knows what he's doing may have diluted the level of protests and proven a (welcome) distraction for events off the pitch.

While admittedly the details are a bit thin on the ground at this stage, its understandable that supporters are genuinely concerned.

It's a strange situation, Carlos is a breath of fresh air as a Coach and despite the blip at Coventry, there's genuine optimism that at worst we should be able to achieve a top half finish and at best scrape into the play offs (though clear unease about how we'd cope in virtually every respect if we actually ended up promoted).

But also hard to relax and simply enjoy the football when there is so much uncertainty about what may (or may not) be happening behind the scenes and the ongoing, less than reassuring, speculation about the clubs financial status. 

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Fans behaviour at away games
« on: October 03, 2021, 09:15:15 AM »
I felt one of the issues at Stoke was that with it being an evening KO, in a location on the edge of the town with very little pub options, that many travelled by coach, as I did, and were outside the away entrances quite early.
It's Friday and many, again like me, were up for a beer, but the away gates were not opened until later than usual despite hundreds waiting to get in hence the big scrum around the beer sales point.
On a general note, I can never understand commercial businesses making supporters wait, and then making it difficult to spend their money (from what I could see very limited beer sales points).
Returning to the main topic of the thread, I just feel there's a fine balance and while respecting the earlier views, personally like to see our younger supporters letting off steam.
I'm late 50's and have never had any problem in the concourse in giving them a wide berth and keeping out the way and quite like to see them all going a bit crazy.
Ultimately it's a football match, fans have a few (or a lot) of drinks and it can get very lively and long may that continue.
Compared to back in the day, it's pretty mild (to say the least) and while not condoning it when it veers towards violence, never personally feel uncomfortable and feel the football experience is one of life's pleasures and certainly wouldn't want to see it diminished.
Just my own view and totally respect alternative perspectives.

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Club or Country?
« on: July 09, 2021, 07:03:53 PM »
I wasn't nervous last night, I had a wry smile at one nil down. We won courtesy of a dive, again doesn't bother me because it doesn't when Albion do it (the opposition though...  >:().

To answer an earlier question yes we've had luck in patches when we've needed it, last night after Southgate went into his shell the Danes who were getting on top went down to ten men. It's been one of those tournaments for us.

I'd like us to win on Sunday for the history of it, but I'd much prefer the 3 points against Bournemouth 4 weeks tomorrow.

We all hope Albion win at Bournemouth but if we don't then we have 45 opportunities to put it right. 

If England win Sunday then around 50 Million people will be very happy!

For me it's not Club or Country it's Club and Country.

At the moment the priority is England, from 14 August it'll be the Albion, but it's been 55 years and this is massive.


West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Season Tickets 2021/22
« on: June 15, 2021, 11:42:33 AM »
My season ticket rolled over from last season. When I look at my online account it is showing no season ticket.

Is it the same for others?

I dont trust Albion.

Yes, same here.

It was showing as rolled over previously on My Albion account but they appear to have revamped the ticketing site.

Presuming it'll all be updated at some stage??

Unlikely - unlike those clubs we aren’t riddled with debt - thankfully

This is most likely true but if a club lacks any kind of energy, direction or strategy that extends beyond a few months then I wouldn't rule anything out.

A decent balance sheet and set of accounts (if that applies to ourselves, which I presume it does) won't compensate for a squad that appears to struggle to impose themselves in any kind of respect on a matchday and a questionable recruitment policy.

Back on topic, I'd definitely applaud Brighton if they are in fact prepared to give Graham Potter a few seasons and not press the panic button whenever there's a blip.

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Guochuan Lai
« on: January 16, 2021, 08:38:24 AM »
If I recall correctly Clive, Thompson never shied away from a fight, he had a big boardroom disagreement with Tony Hale the then Chairman and won that decisively to become Chairman.

I was present at the Gala baths in West Bromwich the evening of a Extra Ordinary AGM, when the choice was put to the shareholders, he, Thompson was very popular with the majority of larger and smaller shareholders and it was a no contest in the end.

It does make you wonder though. We will never know and it is what it is unfortunately,

The 1990's AGMs in West Bromwich were always entertaining, very lively and got quite heated at times and I have to say were very enjoyable in a strange kind of way.

Recall in the late 1990's, buying the Evening Mail on the way home from work and it seemed almost every evening the Sports headline was about the latest crisis from the Albion Boardroom and used to joke with the newspaper seller about what, in his use of phrase, "the crazy sods" had done next.

Also had to smile at one AGM at a time of constant changes in the Boardroom when one Director at the time (who was only there a matter of months) came out with the usual Corporate talk of the future being positive (blah blah blah) at a time when we were struggling at the foot of the Championship and the club was going through its latest period of turmoil, and a shareholder next to me standing up with the Yearly Accounts Report (confirming dire financial figures) in his hand and asking "where in here does it say the futures good" which raised a few laughs in the audience and uncomfortable shifting in their seats of the Board members present (and a wry smile from Brian Little who also attended that meeting as Team Manager).

For all the downsides (and there were a lot!) I do kind of look back at those times through admittedly Rose Tinted Glasses as a time when many club owners were both local and accessable and for all their faults, were for the most part in attendance and did have a handle on what the club meant to the supporters and the community.

Speculation of takeovers inevitably have elements of uncertainty, and as we are all painfully aware from so many examples, can go horribly wrong, but I think we all feel that the present club hierarchy feel distant and remote in virtually every respect.

It's the feeling of detachment, admittedly enhanced by the fact that none of us have been able to attend any matches for months, and the impression that this is unlikely to ever change, that makes me hope that somehow our Owner will find a buyer prepared to strike a deal.

How that would eventually pan out is anyone's guess but I think the vast majority would acknowledge that a parting of the ways is needed.

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: What the Hell is going on ??
« on: November 10, 2020, 11:32:10 AM »
Got to say for the first time I'm a little concerned about the future of the club and where we could be in in 5 years time.

I know Peace has his critics, and although I'm a fan of his work overall I understand he wasn't perfect, particularly in the last 18 months in charge. However the one thing I would always say when we had Peace is that there was no way we would ever end up doing a Portsmouth/Bolton/Sunderland etc and plummeting down the leagues with huge financial problems. Worst case we would always be a top half Championship side in a sound financial position with him in charge.

Now I'm not at the stage of panicking, but there are a few doubts creeping in about how serious this could be for us long term. I don't pretend to know anything about the structures of how the club and business is run, but even putting Lai's lack of interest to one side for a moment, the fact that theres even a question about who actually owns the club can't be a positive.

Possibly someone could sit you down and go through each point one by one and alleviate any fears, but if you just look at some of the headlines it's not a good picture

'Confusion over who actually owns WBA'

'Missing £3.7m loan'

'Shareholders castigated after sending legal documents to the club'

Add in a Chairman who has clearly lost all interest, and a 32 year old with no football experience at all seemingly running the club day to day....

As I say, not a time to panic, but maybe a time to feel slightly unsettled?

Great post and agree 100%.

I'm not going to pretend to be any kind of expert on the financial side but I would have thought a 12% collective  shareholding in a business with our kind of profile and turnover surely deserves the respect of a response from the Chief Exec?

Common courtesy I'd have thought (might be me being naive).

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Guochuan Lai
« on: October 12, 2020, 09:07:36 AM »
Whatever you class it as my statement remains true.

This guy is no worse than the last guy.

This may well be true, though with Peace he was, for the most part, at the matches and had his ear to the ground and, again for the majority of the time, was very hands on.

Not saying at all that Peace was great and Mr Lai isn't, but the perception of a lack of interest will always fan the flames of discontent when things are not going well.

The present ownership appears distant in every aspect of the word, with supporters feeling more detached by the day (and I know some of that is clearly outside of the control of the club)

Totally appreciate a couple of wins will change the overriding mood plus not being able to attend, with no end in sight, is clearly getting to supporters now (I know it most definitely is for me).

Mr Lai may be a top bloke, really looking to bring success to the club, but several seasons down the line, none us really have a clue as to whether he is or not.

General Football & Sports / Re: Project Big Picture
« on: October 12, 2020, 08:41:05 AM »
Some aspects do sound ok.

Certainly starting the season later makes a lot of sense, and can never understand why we start so early when a large proportion of the population are on holiday.

Also 25% of the Prem League income going to the EFL sounds fine.

While I'd be sorry to see the League Cup go, as its the one major trophy where the lower profile clubs have a tiny chance of a bit of glory, how may times do we see on the football sites, supporters applauding their clubs playing fringe players, and then around 10,000 turn up when their club has got past a few rounds, so kind of on the fence on that one.

Obviously there are a number of other proposals, some toe curlingly bad, but for any supporters of teams outside the high profile group of clubs, the Premier can be a pretty desperate experience if you know deep down you don't have the resources, have a limited localised fanbase are really not wanted and are patronised on a regular basis and treated like a bad odour.

I also think it's a bit much for the Premier to be stomping their feet when they've systematically reduced the competitive nature of the upper tier (with the exception of the occasional blip) so yes there are some very poor elements of the plan but some decent ones as well in my view.

The voices of dissent seem to be on the basis that what we have now is somehow OK? and I think Yes change does need to happen, and some of the proposals I would agree with, and some I wouldn't.

Coronavirus Thread / Re: Coronavirus
« on: October 08, 2020, 07:25:47 PM »
Do you happen to have a link to the report?

If the link does not work just google Great Barrington Declaration.

Coronavirus Thread / Re: Coronavirus
« on: October 08, 2020, 06:18:26 PM »
So pleased to see that 12000 Scientists, Academics and Medics have openly stated their view that lockdowns have questionable impact and that the vulnerable should be shielded with the majority (the less vulnerable or in many cases negligible vulnerability - in terms of being a statistic on the fatality list) should essentially get on with their lives.

Obviously it's a bit more in depth than that but these being the key points (and to an extent the herd immunity concept).

Already the Government media teams are kicking into action to assure the public that this isn't the right course of action, which of course they would now that the Government and Ministers are in too deep to change direction (and to lose face totally with the public).

I totally get these are difficult and unprecedented times but it's worth having a look at the names, qualifications and status levels of many of those who are pushing for a change of direction and for taking action before the job losses, and human misery that follow them, start to pile up as well as the fact that a good proportion of the population are now existing as opposed to living their lives as they'd wish (and that's before we even mention getting back to our beloved Hawthorns!)   

Coronavirus Thread / Re: Coronavirus
« on: October 04, 2020, 11:02:09 AM »
They need us to remain **** scared or people will fight back and start to develop rational thinking. When you see the data it doesnt match up to what the media presents it as.

While the reporting methods of the infection rates are a little dubious, it's incredibly difficult, now the media and public have cottoned on to the crazy manner of reporting fatalities earlier in the year, to massage the numbers of deaths.

Also the clear evidence that the vast majority will recover, with those most at risk  being fairly self evident.

Talking generally, it's always difficult for those who advocate getting on with our lives, in a sensible manner, as they tend to be met with the howling "Covid Social Media Poilce" but it's encouraging to see more and more academics, scientists and some sensible elements in the media beginning to question some of the ongoing guidelines and restrictions.

Coronavirus Thread / Re: Coronavirus
« on: August 27, 2020, 05:19:11 PM »
We need to get a sense of proportion about this.
The number of people who died last week in England of all causes was just over 9,500, of which just over 100 were from Covid-19.
That's just over 1%.
In fact, that 9,500 deaths is up about 500 on the seasonal norm - largely, it's thought, due to cancer treatments being suspended in March.
Hospitals are half empty; operations cancelled; everywhere you look in the health service there are massive problems.
The threat is over - we need to get back to real normal.
We are trashing the economy, deferring tens of thousands of cancer referrals and treatments, causing untold amount of mental health etc., just to save a small number of lives (most of whom are over 80 with underlying problems).
That's less than die or the roads in accidents.
Millions will lose their jobs; businesses that have been built up over a lifetime are closing down; millions and millions of families are having their lives ruined; My grandkids will spend decades paying for this..
The number of people under 60 who have died so far since this began in March who have no underlying conditions is less than 200.
The average age of a person dying of Covid-19 is 82.
It all needs to be taken in context: half a million people die each year in England not having Covid-19.

What a fantastic post and agree with all of this.

I really do think we need to get a grip and am truly bemused and exasperated by the present situation.

As for masks, personally I think its a complete waste of time, I do though wear one on the train to work each day (though admit I do occasionally forget) and in the shops only due to the fact I can't be doing with the hassle from the lunatic members of the public "the virus police" who give those who think differently (and have their own mind and open their eyes to what is actually happening) so much grief.

Of those I do see wearing masks I'd say well over half, pull them down to have a chat to others, have them hanging off their ear or round their neck.

As for washing them regularly or replacing them regularly, then to be totally honest that thought never really entered my mind.

Just to stress I have total sympathy to those who have been impacted and acknowledge it can be a horrendous virus (just as other viruses and health conditions can be, and which impact far more people) and my views are based on the risk in comparison to the ongoing damage to the economy, businesses and way we live our lives. 

Just trying to answer the question raised in the first post as honestly as possible.   


I think allowing supporters back to stadiums, with controlled restrictions is certainly achievable.

I was chatting to one of our customers at work who is a Director at a non league club in the Midlands (below National League level) who generally get around 300 attending in a stadium that could hold around 1500 in normal conditions.

With most of the supporters regulars who have the interests of the club very much at heart, with good communications and common sense then it would clearly be feasible to allow supporters to attend (this is on the presumption that there is no spike in figures and that by the time the new season starts the country is further down the road to a return to normality).

Looking at some of our more local clubs, again with a little thought, planning and self discipline by the supporters, it’s hard to see why Kidderminster, Stourbridge and Halesowen should not allow supporters back.

Clearly it’s a lot more problematic with clubs who generally run with attendances in excess of 60%+ capacity in all seater stadiums but again not impossible.

Away support is likely to be on hold for a season at least so in our case that allows the whole of the Smethwick End to be opened up.

In addition a proportion of supporters attend with other members of their household so no issues with social distancing from that perspective.

So with some positive thinking, planning, clear communication and supporters buying into the concept and being prepared to stick to the guidelines set out for attending, it’s very much achievable in my view.

Of course it will take organisation, and being prepared to sit in seats allocated (not necessarily your usual seat or with your friends) and initially on a rota basis but hard to see why we can’t play with a few thousand in attendance for each home game.

In terms of food and drink, then all outlets should be closed and in terms of toilets, stewarding in place and in one entrance and out the other (so to speak).

Clearly not ideal but surely not impossible with around 7000 spread over 4 stands, and obviously having your usual 6 pints pre match may need to be put on hold!! 

I take the point that it will take a lot of hard work by the admin and ticket office staff but it’s not like we’re asking them to do the impossible and, not being disrespectful but they can’t really be rushed off their feet at present and it’s not rocket science, it’s simply allowing a proportion of our support who want to attend to do just that, and for those who prefer to wait until normality returns then that’s fine as well and a personal choice for those who feel that they may be vulnerable. 

Fingers crossed, presuming the new season starts a few months later than normal, restrictions may be considerably eased by then but acknowledge it’s a situation that can change for better or worse quite quickly.

I just feel that if we want the game to survive at all levels we need to take a “can do” proactive viewpoint. We've all seen the Bundesliga on TV, do we want that situation for possibly several months or a whole season?

All of the logistical issues from ticketing to other practicalities could be addressed with a positive forward thinking plan in my opinion. 

As anyone considered that football in its current guise may not return ever?

I'm sure football will return but I do think, when we do get the all clear, a lot more realism needs to be in place, primarily in terms of clubs, particularly in the Prem and Championship, players and worthless hanger on agents, having to be a lot more realistic in terms of wage demands and the level of overall turnover being directed towards salaries and signing on fees.

The football industry has had one hell of a shock and as times goes on, the likelihood of the season being voided grows.

I know it's not what we want and I'm hoping that somehow we can finish the season but there's going to be millions facing financial uncertainty and the longer this goes on the less importance will be placed on finishing the season and more focus towards when we can start afresh, both in our personal and working lives as well as the football. 

My guess is that after several months away from The Hawthorns, for many of us it will simply be a relief to get back into the stadium regardless of which league we're in.

All guess work and speculation obviously, and I hope that somehow we can all get back to normal in a few weeks, finish off the season and, hopefully, nail an automatic promotion place but deep down I suspect that's an incredibly optimistic hope.     

Albion Matchday Forum / Re: After Match Debate
« on: February 23, 2020, 09:44:25 AM »
Agree with all the comments and it was a simply outstanding performance.

Just wondering if anyone knew what was winding up the 12 or so Bristol City fans in the corner of the stand to our left so much?

I say the one totally losing the plot and getting dragged out by the Police.

Just seemed bizarre?

It's not as if Bristol City (or ourselves) have never been on the receiving end of an absolute tonking before?

Was it some of ours winding them up? Just seemed a bit of an overreaction to our celebrations.

All quiet outside the ground though (from what I could see anyway). 

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Season Tickets 2020-2021
« on: February 08, 2020, 03:26:26 PM »
I hope they give us until at least April, it is a lot of money, especially for those with big families.

Like many others I was a bit surprised just how early the notification about renewals is becoming and agree as a minimum they really should give people at least till 1 April (and ideally later).


West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: FA Cup 3rd Round - Charlton Athletic (A)
« on: December 21, 2019, 11:00:13 AM »
To be fair I am an away season ticket holder, and have found that by attending the ticket office,  rather than going online, I have sometimes been able to get a ticket in an area not yet released online.
I am not sure whether this is the norm, and I do feel that this should always be the case for ASTH's and should be part of the deal. There are not that many of us for it to be a problem.

I'm a Home Season Ticket holder and called into the Ticket Office on the way to work a couple of days ago and got seats in Block D Lower even though that Block wasn't yet released online so yes, it does seem that if obtaining the tickets direct from the Ticket Office in person (appreciate for many this is not a convenient option) then more Blocks are available than if trying online only.

Not quite sure why this is? but the tickets showing as sold online for the Cup match don't reflect sales from Block D which you can get in person.

Albion Matchday Forum / A few cancellations on the trains today v Brentford
« on: December 21, 2019, 10:29:41 AM »
For those traveling on the trains to and from The Hawthorns today, just to advise there's a number of cancellations and at least one (so far) of the very busy trains in the Cradley / Stourbridge direction after the match is cancelled.

Trains are running but probably worth just checking out before you travel.

First all, in the interests of balance just to stress I think Albion deserve huge credit for their Season Ticket and Matchday pricing and the manner in which away allocations are distributed to our own fans BUT I’m totally at a loss to understand their thinking in restricting away supporter allocations in this manner.

At the start of the season I just presumed the seats covered with the advertising were simply to reflect the smaller allocations which are fine for some Championship clubs but there’s around 10 clubs, possibly more depending on the season their having, who could easily sell out the original 2800 allocation.

How must Leeds, Blues, Forest and Derby etc feel when their clubs announce an allocation of just 2000?

We’d be the first to complain if we were given small allocations then arrived at the stadium to see several hundred seats covered with advertising and it’s the away fans that are the lifeblood of live football.

In addition, not too impressed with the “Grass up a Baggie” helpline that’s advertised on the big screens, on the basis that we must have some of the most laid back easygoing and inclusive supporter bases on the planet, and where do you draw the line? 

But I really hope Albion review the decision to restrict away followings. 

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Best supported clubs in Championship
« on: October 10, 2019, 06:32:15 AM »
Not forgetting the 800 plus seats that have been taken out due to advertising in the away end. So technically now our capacity is around the 25,500 mark

I do think it''s a shame we appear to be restricting the away support to a max of around 2000 seats.

Appreciate for many Championship clubs that will be more than enough but for the likes of Cardiff, Leeds, Blues, Sheff Wed etc, etc, it seems a shame to restrict allocations when the bigger away support turnouts really enhance the whole stadium atmosphere.

Also as an Albion away fan travelling to an away stadium, I'd be a bit hacked off to see loads of empty seats covered by advertising if it meant many Albion fans had missed out due to a restricted allocation.

Albion Matchday Forum / Re: 26th July 2019 - AFC Bournemouth (H)
« on: July 26, 2019, 04:11:05 PM »
Unfortunately there's a few cancellations already on the trains to and from The Hawthorns later today from the Stourbridge / Cradley direction, including the first train back in that direction after the match.

At least it's a nice warm evening for a leisurely stroll down to the station and, unfortunately, a little bit of a wait.

But looking forward to getting up there a bit later and seeing some of the new players.

West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: Next manager...
« on: May 06, 2019, 06:44:55 PM »
Great post by Stan, and the other recent ones on this thread.

Totally agree about the quick fix narratives (most of which are doomed to failure) but another concern is the mindset of what appears to be a growing number of Albion fans.

I know this site is very well moderated, hence attracting some great views, but while acknowledging that other forms of social media (the Albion Facebook sites in particular) can give a voice to "those who shout loudest" types, the overriding air of extreme short term thinking and impatience seems to be growing on a daily basis.

The frustration being that a number of the young lads in our squad and on the fringes of it, are showing real promise and should be given a chance but the concern being that an uncomfortably large number of supporters appear to be unwilling to buy into this concept and allow any Head Coach a reasonable amount of time and not throw their toys out of the pram every time a result goes against us.

I know it's not just Albion fans but modern football supporters in general, not helped by the 24/7 media coverage where a couple of defeats becomes a crisis.

All of course compounded by the fact that Mr Lai's long term (or short or medium term) ambitions for the club remain unclear.   

Like many supporters to whom the club is a massive part of our lives, I've really no idea which direction we are heading?

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