West Bromwich Albion FC / Re: WBA NEW OWNERS - Bilkul football
« on: Today at 08:48:49 AM »What hasn’t been perfect out of interest?Don’t get me wrong we owe them a lot of thanks. I’m not convinced that they have a decent scouting system set up as yet. I get that we are a medium sized fish in the sea but I was disappointed in the time it took to get Mowbray in and not totally convinced that he’s the man to take us forwards. I’d hoped that knowing CC was likely to leave sooner rather than later we would have had a number of serious managerial contenders to consider. However, I get it was mid season and the options were limited. I still don’t see why we offered TM such a long contract given his age and the fact that he didn’t seem to fit with the strategic vision I thought the owners had. It’s easy to criticise from the outside and I really hope Mowbray works but I have my reservations.
I think they’ve been a breath of fresh air