The Oatcake's a good read with a lot of humour and I browsed through that thread earlier. Quality posts from Old Stokie (Jimeye) and AlliG. The occasional anti Albion post on said Fred adds balance. Opposition's not always entirely friendly and I'm more than fine with that. Stoke have some total meat heads but at the same time a lot of really good lads. Not going soft but I've certainly got more time for them than for a number of their several thumbed granny bum banging turd cousins at 'Vale. As an aside it was very good to beat those at the real Wembley. Here's hoping we get the three points required for us and Jimeye's memory v QPR.
Indeed that was a sad story about Jimyeye and the point about them following us in terms of up and down is very true.
They are third on my hit list behind Vile and Dings. They were battered by us 6 nil in only my second match and then they dominated us for many years from Stein and rooster Russell to Fuller and Ethrington.
I hate that Boing, Boing bag of **** song they sing.
I studied in Stoke and used to go to their night games with a Stoke fan friend and I was totally ambivalent towards them then.
Never had an issue with the Vale though.