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From Small Heath Alliance in 1875 to Wayne Rooney's Birmingham City in 2023. You can't hold progress. Apparently. I can't believe he's only 37 when he looks older than me and I'm 55. All those grannies must have rubbed off in ways he'd never bargained on.
Im not keen on Rooney, but he did s good job at Derby, if he does well at Blues his next stop is once a blue always a blue!
The aged Balsall heath prossies, are dusting down their zimmer frames, in anticipation of a visit from Wayne.Sorry, if we can't say prossies.
The tubby one getting pelters from the bluenose ultras two (lost) games in! https://twitter.com/MaciejunioYJB/status/1717307909019684923
made me laugh when I scrolled down the replies and found a copy of this posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IweagwHnNbo
What a charming vision that is aging blubber bound scouser getting his rocks blown by Trace &/or Shazza behind the coach and hosses , retch!!
I don't think their fixadent would allow that, these days.The granny botherer is a god send and I think Rosenior showed who the brains was at Derby.
Whoops!!!! The tubby granny botherer bites the dust once more. Are we possibly looking at one of the shortest managerial tenures ever?
Mobray leaving them. Any one else heard this? Edit... It is now on BBC site, medical reasons.
Only temporary while he undergoes treatment for an unnamed illness.Hope he recovers quickly
Weiman's winner sends the Blues down, a point would have saved them today.What a shame.