Author Topic: BLACK COUNTRY ALBION ...USA TOUR ANYONE ?  (Read 887 times)

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« on: June 05, 2011, 05:32:24 PM »
Anyone interested in joining a few of us on the pre-season tour, i got room for 1 more

Itinery -: mini bus to Manchester airport hotel Sun 10th July stay 1 night, Fly to San Jose Mon 11th stay 3 nights, Thurs 14th San Fransisco 3 nights, Sun 17th Sacremento 2 nights, Tues 19th fly to Portland stay 2 nights, Thurs 21st ret flight to Manchester arriving back in UK Fri 22nd at 12-25pm, mini bus return

Cost £1200 (inc mini bus transport, all flights, hotels, + visa waiver documents)

Anyone fancy it, need to know ASAP, call me on the usual coach booking number