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Arthur Labinjo Hughes
Norfolk Baggie:
Most of us will have followed this story with some horror. I was appalled at the way this child was treated by his father and step mum. In some of the pictures he looks happy in his Birmingham City shirt, and it did occur to me that someone cared enough to buy it form him. Perhaps a grandparent? Perhaps there was a time when someone got him a burger (or a tikka?) and took him to his first match. Then I read that part of his punishment was to have his shirt cut up into pieces in front of him. There was quite a lot of cruelty experienced by this small boy and this was not the worst. But it did touch me, and I will be holding my own kids just a bit closer this weekend. I sincerely hope this couple never see the light of day again…one way or another.
Hanging would be too good I hope they suffer for years in Prison always looking over their shoulder wondering what's coming next.
What sort of creatures are they to treat a child in this way.
The poor little boy, thinking that no one loved him.
He was let down big time by the agencies and to some extent his own family.
They should have got that little boy out of there short shift.
We don't have to worry because there's a government review 'to ensure this never happens again.'
Just like when Baby P, Victoria Climbe, Ella Rose Clover, and hundreds of other children killed every year.
Droitwich Baggie:
I am sorry, Athur for what those creatures calling themselves your family put you through.I was also very touched when following the details, I am not ashamed to say that I wept.
Again let down by social services.I have no time for most of those employed there.The social worker who was supposed to help look after my sister, arrived late at every meeting, even though it was the first on her calendar.When I complained about her attitude too, she was taken off the case, my sister was given compensation to appologise.
I have since heard that she wasn't sacked, just moved sideways.If the top don't act, shouldn't it be reorganised?
Horrendous and I won’t deny I had a tear in my eye when I had read some of those court reports.
I am not going to hammer social services too much as Hughes would have originally passed his parenting assessments which would have lead to the closure of the initial case following the sentencing of Arthur’s mother. There are questions from that point on however. Bruises which were reported by family members were investigated but I would want to know whether any other assessments into Arthur’s health was taken into consideration.
The real issue that has contributed to this is lockdown. I would’ve interested to know whether Arthur’s atttendance at school was satisfactory as that would have raised initial concerns. The fact Arthur wasn’t able to present in a classroom is likely to have hidden the real issues at play and those being escalated to Childrens Services.
I am worried that there are other children who have been subjected to similar abuse because lockdown has prevented any disclosures and professionals recognising the signs of emotional abuse.
Unfortunately these sorts of cases are far too common nowadays which is a damning reflection of society. Thankfully the large majority of these cases are intercepted but it is upsetting to know so many are happy to neglect their children. Scum of the earth.
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