Author Topic: The virus topics  (Read 3418 times)

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The virus topics
« on: July 03, 2021, 12:13:36 PM »
Just a warning to everyone.

We know this is a sensitive topic but some of the comments are getting a bit close to what we are not going to allow on here, we are not having a "us v them" scenario where those who choose to have the vaccine etc are belittling those who choose not to.

Everyone has their reasons both for and against, if it continues then this topic will join others in the deleted post board and will be locked.

This is the only warning that will be placed, some won't agree but to be honest tough. This forum is supposed to be something that everyone can enjoy, that includes mods and admin as well as general members and to be honest constantly having to sort out playground squabbles takes that enjoyment away and shows the forum in a bad light so up to you all now.
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