
Are you in favour of vaccine passports?

Yes in certain circumstances
Not fussed either way

Author Topic: Vaccine passports  (Read 56652 times)

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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #325 on: July 27, 2021, 09:24:32 AM »
I know its The S*n but.....


A "VACCINE sceptic" dad has died from Covid after he said he wished he could "turn back time" and get jabbed.

Matthew Keenan, 34, told his friends that he regretted turning down the Covid-19 vaccine after he was hospitalised and placed in an induced coma earlier this month.

Matthew Keenan was described as the 'life of the party'

But the 34-year-old tragically died just weeks after catching the killer virus.

He agreed for his doctor to share his story after he said he ''wished he could go back in time'' to get the vaccine.

Leanne Cheyne, a respiratory consultant at Bradford Royal Infirmary, tweeted a picture of Matthew hooked up to oxygen in the hospital during his Covid fight.

She wrote: "Matthew has agreed for me to share his story.

"34, footie coach and dad. Self-confessed vaccine sceptic until he caught Covid if he could turn back time he would.

"Our sickest patients are unvaccinated and under 40.

"Matthew is fighting for his life...save yours. #GetVaccinated #GrabAJab."

The dad who was described as the ''life of the party'' shared an image of his positive Covid-19 lateral flow test on July 2.

He said that the symptoms made him feel like he had been ''hit by a truck'' after suffering from a fever and feeling ''freezing and red hot''.

The Liverpool fan added that the back pain left him feeling ''the most poorly I have ever been and I feel like it's getting worse''.

He ended the post saying he was ''in bits'' and that ''Covid is real''.

In a touching tribute, friend of more than 20 years Billy Brown said the world lost ''the kindest man''.

Mr Brown, 38, added that ''grown men haven't stopped crying'' since the news of Matthew's tragic death broke.

Matthew was a ''devoted dad, a fantastic friend, and an unbeatable coach,'' he said.

Mr Brown, from Bradford, said: "As he was getting more poorly, he said he wished he had gotten the jab.

"I can't believe he's gone, he was the most likeable lad I've ever met.

"Most people have one or two best friends, he had 20 best friends.

"He had the biggest heart and treated everyone like they were his family.

"There were not many like him. He loved to enjoy himself, he was the life and soul of every party.

"Many people will miss him."

I can't believe he's gone, he was the most likeable lad I've ever met.

Mr Brown was left in tears after he learned of his pal's death this morning as he clung on to hope that he would still make it.

He said that when he first caught the virus everyone believed Matthew would get over it as he was a ''fighter and a survivor''.

Mr Brown added: "We all thought it was Keenan, he'd get over this.

"Then he got put into a coma, and we were all praying for him. But we thought he was a fighter, a survivor.

"I'm a big strong lad, I've lost people before, but I've never cried so much as I did today as I did for anyone."
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #326 on: July 27, 2021, 09:43:42 AM »
I won't be having the vaccine and will demand a refund if you have to prove you've been doubled jabbed to get into WBA.

Don’t blame you Smethwickender93.

Hopefully you’re not put in that position where you have to ask for your money back.

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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #327 on: July 27, 2021, 10:09:07 AM »
That's unfair on the venue. The venue isn't bringing them in because they want to, it will only be if the government make it a mandatory evidence for entry!

The suggestion doesn’t make sense to me anyway?

Are you saying if vaccine passports are required people who have vaccine should boycott place?  Why they would do?

As for those that don’t have it, it’s not really a boycott if you aren’t allowed in.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #328 on: July 27, 2021, 10:37:58 AM »
Lets face it, if you want to go abroad then you need to be double jabbed, that will be the entry requirements into every country in the world shortly, so most of the people who are kicking against it now will have to fall in line eventually.
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #329 on: July 27, 2021, 11:06:23 AM »
Lets face it, if you want to go abroad then you need to be double jabbed, that will be the entry requirements into every country in the world shortly, so most of the people who are kicking against it now will have to fall in line eventually.

Yep, and that wont be the fault of our government it will be the requirement of entry to other countries for the foreseeable future
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #330 on: July 27, 2021, 11:36:46 AM »
….and quite right to . The biggest danger now is new variants and the chance of these coming through will be increased by an increase in population movement particularly amongst the non vaccinated or partially vaccinated
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #331 on: July 27, 2021, 12:19:11 PM »
The topic is now locked, anyone wishing to discuss this virus in any way shape or form will need to find another platform to do so
Dexy : LiamTheBaggie : MarkW : OldburyWBA
Hull Baggie : lewisant : Political Cake : tommcneill