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West Bromwich Albion FC / Xe Ke - aka Ken - our Chief Executive
« on: June 25, 2021, 08:54:25 PM »
Think Ken deserves a thread and a pat on the back after his sterling work over the last 10 days which has been nothing short of outstanding.

Yes we need to be cautious and see how Val gets on but to move Dowling (who it now appears was universally unpopular) on and get Val in has been some feat, particularly as there were lots of aspersions cast about how he's even in the job, his football know-how and credibility.

Difficult to know whether his statement yesterday were all his own original thoughts - I'm sure there's been a Board discussion on the future direction and strategy, however as CEO he appears to have demonstrated significant leadership and his comms have been candid, articulate and inspirational.

I hope the longer term planning includes sensible development/improvement of the stadium.  The 'Halfords' is well past its use-by date and needs replacing or significant remodelling with a 2nd tier added   It would be also be great to see some uniformity between the height of the stands so it's more aeschetically pleasing.  Yes it's money but it's also capital so surely can be done over a 4/5 yr period. 

If we want to retain our prem status we need to be developing the club at all levels and for a number of years the capacity has been gradually declining yr on yr. 

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