That's a relief then - welcome Valérien! I'm highly delighted by this news and the 4 year contract does send out a statement of intent by the club (reinforced by Ken's comments). It's a shame that Valérien's abroad at present and will have to quarantine (10 days?) when he returns to the UK, but there's stilll plenty he can do during that time anyway. It'll also give some Albion fans time to learn to spell his name properly!

Just to repost some stats for those who are concerned at the type of football we might be seeing, here are the figures for 70% of the games he's managed so far in his career:
I put it to you that averaging 2.1 goals for a game is unlikely to be the result of boring, attritional football.
Let's get behind him as he builds a side that we can all feel proud of! Hopefully the Board will be a help rather than a hindrance in this regard....