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Topics - darbolina

Pages: [1]
West Bromwich Albion FC / Albion's Identity
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:58:03 AM »
The tragic passing of Cyrille has been emotional and a timely reminder to me of our heritage and identity on and off the pitch. It's easy to see the glitz and immediacy of the premier league and forget our rich history sometimes. I was reading about Vic Buckingham, who I was led to after reading about Ronnie Allen, who I was led to after reading about Cyrille.

What a club we were and are!

Having read this , it minds me that we are important to the whole game of football past and present through our associations with the establishment of the game at the beginning, our total football philosophy which is now the foundation of the best teams still and our influence on race in football - not to mention some entertaining and successful trophy winning teams along the way.

We are just a club with a bit of magic i think that keeps bouncing back and adding to the game, not many clubs can say  that !

West Bromwich Albion FC / Midfield
« on: August 07, 2016, 09:03:35 AM »
The heartbeat of any good team.

Yacob , Morrison, Gardner Brunt (if in midfield) and Fletcher do a job, are solid and reliable. I have a lot of time for their commitment and character since they've been with us. They've all added value over time and can do a job when needed however I think our midfield is badly in need of energy and ability to carry the ball, to move us up the pitch quicker.

Johnny Evans is a ball playing CB who can move us up the pitch but the ball stops in midfield.

This is the reason we create so few goal scoring opportunities in open play for me. We're too slow and predictable with our build up play.

To solve this , I think we need 2 big signings in our midfield;
A physical, Box to box centre midfielder with the energy, pace and quality to move us up the pitch. Successful team always have this - Kante, Viera, Roy Keane, Pogba.........etc
Left midfielder with greater quality than McClean who is a good impact player when needed off the bench for me

I agree with Warren from the excellent blog for E&S today that we could easily fill a bigger stadium consistently. I think easily 35,000, maybe more but only if the club realises that by maintaining and/ or upping prices you'll only fill the ground with older, well off fans on the whole. I know this is a generalisation but I've seen the change over the last ten years myself - I'm middle-aged by the way so not ageist!

Surely as Warren points out, with very low ticket prices and a bigger ground, we could attract bigger crowds e.g. with £15 tickets per match and lower with a season ticket? This would see a whole new generation of fans come and with it a better atmosphere in my view.........

I know some will say we'd need to be more successful and play attractive football to achieve this, but we did get some massive (30k+) crowds in the old third division and we had 45k at wembley for the play off final so the crowds could be there............?

West Bromwich Albion FC / Could be worse - remember Bobby Gould?
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:32:04 PM »
A good look back at a pretty low point but strangely enough I enjoyed it (perhaps that's from a sentimental viewpoint)? We've certainly come a long way as a club! However, there's less 'togetherness' as fans than there was then in my opinion (perhaps reverse looking sentimentality again)?

West Bromwich Albion FC / Soul of modern Footballers
« on: April 12, 2015, 03:37:02 PM »
Did yesterday's no show by the  players on such a significant day for fans and club underline that modern footballers have  no feel ('no soul' ) for the significance their performances and overall actions have on lots of people. Alternatively, perhaps the players simply froze?

I feel the divide between players and fans has never been bigger and increasing. You'd think having local, home grown talent would help but this hasn't helped with Saido.

As fans, it looks like we'll have to accept that there will be no more 'fans heroes' like Astle, Bomber, Regis or Super Bob in the future or am I just let down by a current squad who lack the character for big matches?

West Bromwich Albion FC / Relegation Rivals Following Transfer Window
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:44:59 AM »
Palace - apparently strenghened significantly although they have to integrate a lot of new players in a short space of time - can be tough as we know eh but they should be fine now I'd say?

Villa - added two wingers (Carles Gil + Sinclair - hmmm) so not substantially improved but a slight improvement on paper perhaps?

Burnley - not improved at all really (added Michael Keane)

Leicester - improved a bit by adding a CB, 9m Striker and keeper (Schwarzer).

Hull - perhaps improved slightly with additional striker. The missed Lennon but added NDoye - unknown quantity from Russian league (will he be an Odemwingie or an Ideye?)

QPR - not improved at all. Added only Zarate after missing Jarvis and Adebeyor.

WBA - improved a bit with winger and centre mid.

I think we're slightly better off than most (except Palace). We should already have enough in our squad to stay up if the right mix is found? The key now is how we do against the above rivals in the second half of the season......bring on Burnley as a start........!?

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