what facts are you talking about? That you know more than a professor? I blame this modern frivolous lack of trust in experts and scientists. Yes different variants are cropping up because of high infection rates across the world. The more infections the more potential for variants. Why do you think there are different flu vaccines each year, because of variants. i agree with you that the government hierarchy and their buddies have made money from this pandemic but I don't believe they made it up and perpetuate it for they own benefit. They can easily make money look at Cameron and Blair. As for scientists do you really think they are in it for the fame and lie to become celebrities? This is one step away from from those obscenities at the weekend.
Yes the facts are that you can pass on the virus and you can still catch the virus when you have been double jabbed. Do your research before you start throwing your insults around !!!!!!
If you are correct with all these different variants cropping up then we are stuck with this situation for life !!!! How thrilling.
People have to face facts. This is not even in the top 10 causes for death in the country. But while this is getting all the headlines and everything is revolving around covid, people are dying of cancer because their operations are being cancelled.
In all of this the main fact has been missed by almost everyone. These precautions are being introduced to protect the NHS. This is because successive governments have failed to invest in the NHS. In 2000 we had 60 million in the country. Today we have 66 million an increase of 10%. So logic says that we should now have 10% more hospitals, 10% more doctors, 10% more nurses, etc . If this had happened, when this situation arises the NHS could cope easily.
Its like if you start a family, with one child you can get by with your Ford fiesta but if you end up with 4 kids you need to upgrade your ford fiesta to a bigger vehicle.