
Are you in favour of vaccine passports?

Yes in certain circumstances
Not fussed either way

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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #275 on: July 26, 2021, 01:28:04 AM »
So again, why is a double jabbed person bothered who sits next to them?

Couple of people didn't like my apartheid comment... fair enough how about leper colonies? But for an illness that won't kill you if you're double jabbed, won't lead to any serious long term issues other viruses don't cause and won't kill you 99.8% of the time irrespective. Should I book the penthouse in the colony?

This isn't directed at you Dan, but you provided an apt quote mate.

Living in Erdington I'm exposed to all manner of stuff on a daily basis so you're asking the wrong person in the first instance.

In the second instance it may not have long term consequences for myself having been double jabbed but I'm not going to suggest it's the same for everyone as it's gambling with maybes.

I never read Penthouse but I was told the pictures were good. The only copy I got to see belonged to my mate's elder brother and could have been a postcard for all the pictures I got to see..... but that's another story  ;D .
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #276 on: July 26, 2021, 04:57:39 AM »
So again, why is a double jabbed person bothered who sits next to them?

Couple of people didn't like my apartheid comment... fair enough how about leper colonies? But for an illness that won't kill you if you're double jabbed, won't lead to any serious long term issues other viruses don't cause and won't kill you 99.8% of the time irrespective. Should I book the penthouse in the colony?

This isn't directed at you Dan, but you provided an apt quote mate.
The more transmission and hence cases the more likelihood of mutation to a variance that could evade the vaccine efficacy.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #277 on: July 26, 2021, 06:52:34 AM »
Might be me, but as far as I'm aware the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus, and should you get it the effects of the virus are a lot less severe.
Apart from having medical issues, why wouldn't you take the offer of the vaccine if it was offered?
Awaits the conspiracy theorists barrage!
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #278 on: July 26, 2021, 08:56:03 AM »
Having the vaccine protects others, it's a selfless act to end a pandemic, I am unlikely to infect others, that should  be recognised.

That is not 100% correct. 

Double jabbed people can still transmit the virus, they can still get it and unfortunately some double jabbed people have died from it.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #279 on: July 26, 2021, 09:03:37 AM »
Might be me, but as far as I'm aware the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus, and should you get it the effects of the virus are a lot less severe.
Apart from having medical issues, why wouldn't you take the offer of the vaccine if it was offered?
Awaits the conspiracy theorists barrage!

Again its all about choice.

If someone doesn't want the vaccine fair enough. They should not be forced into having it and they should not be forced into explaining to anyone why.

I have had the first jab and was very bad after it so I have refused the second jab because if I get that ill again I could end up in hospital. At least I have some protection but it will not let me into a football stadium !!!

It doesn't bother me as I have got bored of football. Watching other sports are more exciting.



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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #280 on: July 26, 2021, 09:03:44 AM »
So you agree I shouldn't be allowed inside the Hawthorns? Good to know.

Where did I say that?

I believe I said I dont agree with vaccine passports. But I agree with everyone being able to exercise their rights. Isnt this what most of the arguments have been about 'people's rights'.

I think you should be allowed in. I dont want to see an us and them situation.
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #281 on: July 26, 2021, 09:05:14 AM »
Businesses are not being given a choice as far as I can tell. It is comply or don’t trade. That is not the same as a business having a choice. It’s not businesses exercising a right.

Isnt it still under consideration? I think they will find a happy medium on this...but maybe not.
Dexy : LiamTheBaggie : MarkW : OldburyWBA
Hull Baggie : lewisant : Political Cake : tommcneill

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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #282 on: July 26, 2021, 09:37:24 AM »
The argument isn’t whether we want or don’t want vaccine passports, it isn’t whether we think people should or shouldn’t be allowed into the Hawthorns with or without a jab it is about discrimination and what constitutes it.
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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #283 on: July 26, 2021, 09:46:03 AM »
Isnt it still under consideration? I think they will find a happy medium on this...but maybe not.

I believe the government are trying to make venues enforce it for them but some venues are already saying they won't. Hopefuly they are the majority , not the minority that feel this way.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #284 on: July 26, 2021, 10:34:05 AM »
Again its all about choice.

If someone doesn't want the vaccine fair enough. They should not be forced into having it and they should not be forced into explaining to anyone why.

I have had the first jab and was very bad after it so I have refused the second jab because if I get that ill again I could end up in hospital. At least I have some protection but it will not let me into a football stadium !!!

It doesn't bother me as I have got bored of football. Watching other sports are more exciting.

Out of interest which jab did you have?


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #285 on: July 26, 2021, 10:59:13 AM »
Th 2010 Equalities Act sets out the main areas which you can't be discriminated against:

gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
religion or belief
sexual orientation

I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know if there's any legal basis beyond that
Dexy : LiamTheBaggie : MarkW : OldburyWBA
Hull Baggie : lewisant : Political Cake : tommcneill



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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #286 on: July 26, 2021, 11:09:53 AM »
Out of interest which jab did you have?

Astra Zeneca


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #287 on: July 26, 2021, 11:32:54 AM »
Astra Zeneca

Thanks. That's the same one that my Mum had a bad reaction too also. She isn't having the second one either.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #288 on: July 26, 2021, 11:41:29 AM »
Th 2010 Equalities Act sets out the main areas which you can't be discriminated against:

gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
religion or belief
sexual orientation

I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know if there's any legal basis beyond that

There is plenty there that companies can be taken to court with.

Pregnant women don't have the vaccine, People with various ailments such as cancer don't have the vaccine so that could be classed as a disability.  certain religions are against vaccines etc so they will have a case. Everybody else can just say they follow a certain religion and jump on that discrimination reason.

A lot of companies, including football clubs could have a lot of law suits to settle !!!


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #289 on: July 26, 2021, 12:00:31 PM »
Football is a religion isn't it?

Preventing people from visiting the Shrine to sing The Lords My Shepherd is evidence surely 😁


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #290 on: July 26, 2021, 12:11:00 PM »
That is not 100% correct. 

Double jabbed people can still transmit the virus, they can still get it and unfortunately some double jabbed people have died from it.
So by your logic there is no point having the vaccine.

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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #291 on: July 26, 2021, 01:23:07 PM »
There is plenty there that companies can be taken to court with.

Pregnant women don't have the vaccine, People with various ailments such as cancer don't have the vaccine so that could be classed as a disability.  certain religions are against vaccines etc so they will have a case. Everybody else can just say they follow a certain religion and jump on that discrimination reason.

A lot of companies, including football clubs could have a lot of law suits to settle !!!

A lot of people seem to be suggesting that there will be law suits! I don't think people understand the way the law works when they make those claims.

If the government are to do it, I think they will almost certainly need legislation.  Once its legislated, its law. The courts job is not to make up the law, but interpret and enforce it. If its the law, there's no point going to court as you will have no grounds to win. You might be able to drum up some legal bills if you wish to find this out though.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 02:51:02 PM by Hull Baggie »


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #292 on: July 26, 2021, 01:23:35 PM »
So by your logic there is no point having the vaccine.

These are the facts. Check them out and make your own mind up.

But if you think that if you have the vaccine you are suddenly immune ...............  then think again !!!

Personally, I find it very disappointing and sad that last year politicians and scientists were talking about the end game being the vaccination. But now we have the vaccination and we are nowhere nearer forward because we are still talking about restrictions etc.

I don't think the vaccine is as good as they make out because they keep talking about different variants cropping up. I also think there is a lot of selfish behaviour taking place by the government and the scientists and the medical companies. If they found a cure tomorrow and we wiped covid off the face of this planet, a lot of companies and people with interest in these companies would lose a lot of income. Also these scientists we keep seeing on TV would suddenly disappear into  their normal day jobs and lose all that fame.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #293 on: July 26, 2021, 01:28:07 PM »

A lot of people seem to be suggesting that there will be law suits! I don't think people understand the way the law works when they make those claims.

If the government are to do it, I think they will almost certainly need legislation.  Once its legislated, its law. The courts job is not to make up the law, but interpret and enforce it. If its the law, there's no point going to court as you will have no grounds to win. You might be able to drum up some legal bills if you wish to find this out though.

The law is there to be used and manipulated by clever lawyers.

If the law was black and white then why are there so many cases being won by individuale everyday !!

We will just have to wait and find out .
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 02:51:41 PM by Hull Baggie »


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #294 on: July 26, 2021, 01:32:52 PM »
As the old saying (roughly) goes 'there is no cash in the cure but there is a lot of money in medication'

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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #295 on: July 26, 2021, 01:35:04 PM »
The law is there to be used and manipulated by clever lawyers.

If the law was black and white then why are there so many cases being won by individuale everyday !!

We will just have to wait and find out .

Absolutely, the law is often grey and often open to interpretation, and that is why we have a court system. We wouldnt need one if it wasnt!  This benefits both individuals and the system at times.

However if they go down this route and they have any sense, they will lock it down and leave little ambiguity.
You cannot always reclaim your costs either. For example, with defamation you have to go to the high court as a minimum, and you cannot reclaim costs even if you win. You are probably looking at costs of at least 15k minimum which is what puts defamation suits out of reach of most normal people.

They could easily take the ability to contest outside the scope of most normal people.  Certainly most people making these suggestions on social media would likely find there ability to bring these suits extremely limited.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #296 on: July 26, 2021, 01:49:14 PM »
Absolutely, the law is often grey and often open to interpretation, and that is why we have a court system. We wouldnt need one if it wasnt!  This benefits both individuals and the system at times.

However if they go down this route and they have any sense, they will lock it down and leave little ambiguity.
You cannot always reclaim your costs either. For example, with defamation you have to go to the high court as a minimum, and you cannot reclaim costs even if you win. You are probably looking at costs of at least 15k minimum which is what puts defamation suits out of reach of most normal people.

They could easily take the ability to contest outside the scope of most normal people.  Certainly most people making these suggestions on social media would likely find there ability to bring these suits extremely limited.

Or do what I do and keep away from any organisation or company that practices any kind of discrimination. That way you hit them where it hurts ...........  in the money bag !!!


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #297 on: July 26, 2021, 01:50:43 PM »
And even if you reclaim costs, it's rare you get the full costs back.  We were sued once for copyright infringement because our game that we made was a bit like another game.  Mate wanted to fight it, went to see a £400 an hour barrister who had dealt with these kinds of cases.  His position was that you can't guarantee anything but he'd MUCH rather be in our shoes.  When asked how much would it cost to take it to court and would we get the amount back we were told we were looking at about £250,000 and we'd probably get back £200,000 assuming the other party wouldn't just fold their company.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #298 on: July 26, 2021, 02:00:21 PM »
I won't be having the vaccine and will demand a refund if you have to prove you've been doubled jabbed to get into WBA.


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Re: Vaccine passports
« Reply #299 on: July 26, 2021, 02:05:30 PM »
I won't be having the vaccine and will demand a refund if you have to prove you've been doubled jabbed to get into WBA.

Something that you should be entitled to because they have changed the terms and conditions after you paid your money.