Author Topic: What's happened to our fans ?  (Read 7782 times)

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What's happened to our fans ?
« on: December 22, 2012, 07:48:23 PM »
Today after no win in 4 we get back to winning ways , I should be happy but I am not, I fully understand that everyone will have a different opinion in fact I like that about football, it breeds conversation and debate...however...

Today I heard "lukaku yowm s***" "Odemwinghie yow c u en tee "and my own personal favourite"tek brunt off that was s***" even though it was Morrison who had misplaced a pass.

Since when did we become so great that we can give this sort of abuse to someone worth £18m, our top goalscorer in the prem and a left winger that 3 good managers have made club captain, yes I get frustrated, yes we have been on a little bad run ( although 4/6?) but I really thought I was sat in the holte end today...
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 02:01:56 PM by Baggies »
If youre going to get told off, get told off for doing something not for doing nothing..


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 07:50:05 PM »
Cheap tickets and high expectations after the good start and not realising we are punching above our weight.
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 07:52:46 PM »
Heard a lot of bad shouts around me, sadly from regulars, the berating of Lukaku and Brunt was getting quite vocal although like the OP says both times the guy was slagging Brunt it was Morrison who had f****d up.

And the goal was PO's fault not Foster who virtually chucked it in. We'll always have our favourites at the Shrine it would seem.
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2012, 08:03:10 PM »
It was my first league game watching at The Hawthorns today having decided to take advantage of the 'bring a friend for a tenner' offer.
I thought the atmosphere was very quiet, could only hear Norwich fans and the Smethwick drum.  There was quite a few moans and groans but to me thats understandable because of the way we are playing at the moment and knowing how good we can be.
Fans are the same in every club.  Even Man Utd have their moaners.
When things are going great and the fans get behind them their are few places like The Hawthorns.  Having watched alot of streams the commentators make the comment about our good home support so we must be doing something right.


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2012, 08:04:49 PM »
Since when did we become so great that we can give this sort of abuse to someone ...
Excellent post, mate. Got to call these fools out. (I like the Black Country dialect you worked in.) I guess there will always be idiots, but it's comments like yours that make me feel that WBA supporters are mostly a great lot.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 12:41:30 PM by LiamTheBaggie »


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2012, 08:31:10 PM »
Excellent post, mate. Gotta call these fools out. (I like the Black Country dialect you worked in.) I guess there will always be idiots, but it's comments like yours that make me feel that WBA supporters are mostly a great lot.
why are people fools or idiots because they have an opinion? i am no fool or no idiot and in my opinion brunt and dorrans are not good enough and i have always been a dorrans fan. and in the first half today a lot of them were having a really bad day and couldnt pass the ball to each other and people were getting a bit frustrated which they are entitled to do without being called idiots or fools.


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2012, 09:13:22 PM »
lol good post, and very true, unfortunately as i said to my mate the other....... there are some thick f****** who go to footy games, and they are usually the ones who are very it makes em hard!

"tek brunt off that was s***", after Morrison's mistake PMSL!! Brilliant!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 02:03:35 PM by Baggies »

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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 09:33:01 PM »
I have to admit, abuse is more amusing from the stands of here and Molineux than all other places! ;D
Dexy : LiamTheBaggie : MarkW : OldburyWBA
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 09:53:27 PM »
why a my last post been removed?


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 10:02:05 PM »
why a my last post been removed?

Yours and another post were both removed. If you want to keep biting at each other please do via PM and not on the forum.
Dexy : LiamTheBaggie : MarkW : OldburyWBA
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2012, 09:28:57 AM »
Speaking for myself, I have only been to two matches this season and I won't be coming again while Lukaku is there....I will not pay toward the training of a Chelsea player when we have excellent players sitting on the bench that are our players.  Although I do agree it's a pointless excersise to stand and hurl abuse at individuals.
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2012, 10:17:57 AM »
Some moaning old git behind me today, never said a good thing about anything/anyone, even the fella (might of been his son) he was with had to tell him to calm down, screaming down my earhole once too often I had to turn around & give him a look (not the hard man look, just the 'could you please stop shouting BULLS5!T in my ear'...look).

Now I know we're all entitled to our opinions BUT this guy never celebrated when we scored either goal, it was almost like West Brom had spoiled his grumpyness by winning the game...........Bah Humbug!

For the record I can have a bit of a moan, as if my right, as another poster said lets not allow our expections to turn into vile fans ffs 
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2012, 12:43:05 PM »
why are people fools or idiots because they have an opinion? i am no fool or no idiot and in my opinion brunt and dorrans are not good enough and i have always been a dorrans fan. and in the first half today a lot of them were having a really bad day and couldnt pass the ball to each other and people were getting a bit frustrated which they are entitled to do without being called idiots or fools.

There is a difference between opinions and issuing abuse to players we should be supporting.

I do think on occasions like yesterday some fans could look up the definition of 'support' because their definition of it is completely different to mine.
Dexy : LiamTheBaggie : MarkW : OldburyWBA
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2012, 02:07:22 PM »
It's just the way of modern football. As football has gone more and more commercial, and more and more money has gone into the game, fans have started to act more like the way they are treated - as customers rather than fans.

It is a shame because you want sports corwds to be noisy and behind their teams but fans are now quick to turn on people who earn over a million pounds year when paying 27-40 quid a ticket.
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2012, 02:30:15 PM »
quite a specific range baggies  :D i limit how much i spend on a ticket, 30 quid, over that is just excessive in my opinion. i think as has been said before, surely its just natural to get a bit complacent when a pass goes awry or a ref makes an incorrect call. i curse a fair bit during the match and i think people are entitled to a moan and groan when things aren't going their way. it is the same at any premier league ground these days.


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2012, 02:35:23 PM »
Some people just have it in for certain players. Brunt and Pete being the main targets.

I hate it. Makes me feel on edge watching the game knowing that if one our players makes a mistake they will be instantly slated. I loath the people who do it and genuinely wish they didn't bother going.

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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2012, 02:50:37 PM »
Echo these sentiments. Sat next to middle aged woman who quite frankly knows nothing about football and constantly berates the players all match, Lakaku being the scapegoat yesterday; thats of course until he scored. Wouldn't be lying if I said I wanted to punch her in the face as the goal went it.

Looking at the wider picture it seems like a lot of fans are just there for the sake of it. Not to get behind the team and take the effort to have a little patience or understanding but be there to moan and demand instant results for the hard earned money they part with to be at the ground.

If you are one of these people, take your money elsewhere PLEASE. 
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2012, 05:30:00 PM »
No win in 4 and you go 1-0 down, people are bound to be frustrated especially when we very poor for decent spells of the game. As much as people will say, "It's the fans jobs to take the rough with the smooth" point me to a ground in the Premier League where that happens?

I moan if a player does something stupid or wrong like the constantly misplaced passes from Dorrans/Brunt/Morrison yesterday, or the stupid fouls that Yacob/Mulumbu/Odemwingie this week gave away. Would I boo a player? Never. Do I cheer as loud as everyone else when we score? Yes. Do I chant like everyone else? Yes.


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2012, 08:21:16 PM »
Echo these sentiments. Sat next to middle aged woman who quite frankly knows nothing about football and constantly berates the players all match, Lakaku being the scapegoat yesterday; thats of course until he scored. Wouldn't be lying if I said I wanted to punch her in the face as the goal went it.

Looking at the wider picture it seems like a lot of fans are just there for the sake of it. Not to get behind the team and take the effort to have a little patience or understanding but be there to moan and demand instant results for the hard earned money they part with to be at the ground.

If you are one of these people, take your money elsewhere PLEASE.
who are you to tell albion fans to take there money elsewhere because they do or say something you dont agree with? and why would people pay hard earned money just for the sake of it?this topic is really beging to get on my nerves, and the reason it is getting on my nerves is because the powers that be wont let me post what i reaaly feel about some of you on here.


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2012, 08:46:23 PM »
who are you to tell albion fans to take there money elsewhere because they do or say something you dont agree with? and why would people pay hard earned money just for the sake of it?this topic is really beging to get on my nerves, and the reason it is getting on my nerves is because the powers that be wont let me post what i reaaly feel about some of you on here.

Someone I presume has also paid money to go to the games and probably doesn't want a bunch of idiots ruining it for him. Everyone in the ground has paid to be in there; some of us are actually capable of supporting the team without the need to belittle our own players; that's not what I expect or want when I go to games.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 09:17:51 PM by OldburyWBA »


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2012, 09:18:58 PM »
Any more pathetic little insults, petty comments and the topic goes and the person making the insult or petty comments will go along with it.
Dexy : LiamTheBaggie : MarkW : OldburyWBA
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2012, 09:37:37 PM »
Yesterday was a bit of a weird one. It was almost like all the frustrations that come with not winning in four were coming to the boil. You could hear it in the moans and groans whenever we misplaced a pass (which happened enough!). The relief after Lukaku's goal was tangible!


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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2012, 09:57:05 PM »
There has always been moans folks from the day I started going in 67 and no doubt before that!!

Way an individual is really I have never boo an Albion player as seen some get better and some get worse.
We are now 6th and our club has never achieved this in the Prem before.

This is as good as it has ever got for me for a long time.
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Re: What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2012, 10:05:55 PM »
I think some of the moans were very understandable, there were some awful misunderstandings and wayward passes, I'm sure I groaned at a few of them, the frustrations of the last few games caused a degree of tension.

We will now get new fans who expect success as well as some of the old moaners, I'm afraid its only to be expected.
Baggie in Southampton


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What's happened to our fans ?
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2012, 11:41:11 AM »
Is a distinction being made between moaning so that people around you might hear, and so that the players might hear?

Like everybody around me (actually, all the season tickets holders, not the irregulars) I was moaning on Saturday. Lukaku, for instance, had, even by his standards, an incredibly frustrating game to watch until he scored.

I wasn't shouting complaints at him or anybody else. I never would, nor boo at our individual players or team and never have. But to myself and the half dozen people around me, I express my frustration out loud sometimes when it feels overwhelming. The notion that it's wrong to do that at a football match is absurd. It is an absolutely central part of the experience of watching any sport, in all cultures at all times and always has been.

I'm not an unthinking cheerleader, or a permanently delighted imbecile. I'm a paying spectator and a devoted fan. I have had a chunk of my life invested in that team for forty odd years. I've sat there watching sh1te in the rain for decades. I'm entitled to express an opinion on how my team performs. And not just on the Internet. I'm entitled to go to the match and swear at a volume the players can't hear when they do stupid things - over and over again.

It's got nothing to do with "getting behind the team". This isn't about the noise we make or what we say publicly (though I sit in the halfords, so noise doesnt really arise). It's a low level, private conversation between fans about the shortcomings of the team we all love. We're not only entitled to that; it's central. A conversation in which you're only allowed to say positive things is pointless and stupid.

And what about the manager and the coaching staff, are they allowed to complain, or does the ban on negative comments and expressing furious frustration extend to them too? Because I sit right next to the home dugout, and of all the people around me, they are the worst. Which is absolutely natural and exactly what you would expect. Why should it be any different for anybody else?

Having said all that, I'm sure the positive things i say out loud always hugely outnumber the negative. Whereas there are people who only ever seem to complain. That can make it seem like they only go to the game in order to find fault, and can be very wearing to listen to. I eventually moved seats a couple of years ago to escape from such a woman.

Perhaps it's really irritation with people who never say anything positive that leads people to sound like they think nobody should ever say anything negative. Which - balanced criticism being a foundation of all sport watching - may perhaps not be what they really mean.